17.02.18 | 4.2.3 |
Fixed a bug about password protection function.
16.11.19 | 4.2.2 |
Fixed bug that the app didn't run on macOS10.12 Sierra.
14.06.07 | 4.2.0 |
Added gTagh function.
13.06.01 | 4.1.0 |
Added "Strikethrough" and "Shadow" font style menu in "Font" > "Style"
Supported iOS6
Added "Share" menu (only on MacOSX10.8 or later)
13.04.06 | 4.0.2 |
Fixed bug that the app crashes when the menu is clicked on some environment.
13.03.10 | 4.0.1 |
Fixed bug that the app didn't run on some environment.
13.03.09 | 4.0.0 |
Changed application requirement to MacOSX10.7.5 or higher.
Changed data store file format.
Added "Hyphenation" function.
Fixed some minor bugs.
12.06.16 | 3.0.1 |
Fixed bug that the app didn't run on MacOSX10.4.x.
Minor modification for finish of MobileMe service.
12.05.19 | 3.0.0 |
Added Web clip memo function.
12.02.11 | 2.8.3 |
Fixed a bug that the app failed to open context menu in certain condition.
12.01.14 | 2.8.2 |
Fixed bug that the app didn't run on MacOSX10.4.x.
11.12.17 | 2.8.1 |
Fixed bug that MacNote3 cannot sync with mmNote.
11.10.01 | 2.8.0 |
Supported vertical orientation layout. (MacOSX10.7 and later)
Supported full screen mode. (MacOSX10.7 and later)
11.06.26 | 2.7.2 |
Fixed problem that the app didn't run on PPC Mac.
11.06.18 | 2.7.1 |
Extended importable file types from menu. etc.
Improved function to import NTP2 file type.
Fixed bug that new window didn't work properly after closing all windows.
10.09.25 | 2.7.0 |
Adapted to iPad. (Please update mmNote)
10.07.11 | 2.6.2 |
Fixed a bug that the app doesn't work on MacOSX10.4.x.
10.07.10 | 2.6.1 |
Added "Add new page" script command to make new child page.
10.03.27 | 2.6.0 |
Added function to copy and paste drawer item.
Improved Highlighting text menu.
Improved password protection to adopt Keychain function.
10.01.30 | 2.5.1 |
Modified to display the title with white color when the title is chosen in Title List.
Adjusted to multi-monitor environment.
Fixed bug that MacNote3 failed to synchronize with mmNote.
09.12.12 | 2.5.0 |
Added function to change text magnification.
Added function to import NTP2 file (data format of NewNotePad Pro2)
Optimized launch sequence.
Fixed bug that MacNote3 couldn't remember whether drawer is opening or not.
Fixed bug that MacNote3 couldn't remember the edge of drawer.
Fixed bug that appropriate link was not made wit dropped file.
09.11.07 | 2.4.0 |
Added ability to change the location of data folder. (Contents of MacNote3 can be included as search result of Spotlight by saving data out of "Application Support" folder.)
Adjusted Edit menu to MacOSX10.6.
09.10.10 | 2.3.0 |
Added automatic backup function.
Changed to save tab status when MacNote3 is quitted.
Modified tab function to show newly created memo in a new tab when a memo is created by pressing Option key.
09.09.12 | 2.2.2 |
Fixed some bugs which are caused when multiple windows are opened.
Added "set text highlight color" script command. (It can be used to change background color of text selection.)
09.07.25 | 2.2.1 |
Fixed bug that MacNote3 cannot be launched at some environment.
Improved label displaying function.
Added setting to turn off "Auto check for update" function.
09.07.18 | 2.2.0 |
Added displaying line numbers function.
Added displaying label function.
Improved "Favorite" "Recent" items menu.
Improved sync function with mmNote.
09.06.13 | 2.1.0 |
Added font list menu.
Added "Always shows Tab" option.
Fixed some bugs related to "Use first line of page as title" function.
Fixed bug that drawer was shown in incorrect color.
09.05.14 | 2.0.0 |
Added "Unified Window" mode.
Fixed bug that it couldn't import styled text via "Service" function on MacOSX10.5.x
Added synchronizing function with mmNote (MacNote for iPhone / iPod touch) via Wifi.
Fixed bug that MacNote3 loses style information when "mn3book" file is imported.
Added restructuring data function. (It can be run via "Clean up data folder" script)
Added set text attribute (underline and strikethrough) applescript command.
09.03.15 | 1.5.0 |
Added "Plain text" option.
Fixed a bug that data files aren't removed when the corresponding memo has been removed.
Added a script to clean the data folder.
Improved "Folder import" function.
Improved sync function with "mobileMacNote".
09.03.01 | 1.4.1 |
Fixed some bugs related to creation and deletion of memo.
Fixed bug that MacNote3 crashed when one of multiple window was closed on MacOSX 10.4.x or earlier.
08.10.28 | 1.4.0 |
Change the behavior to move focus to the title field when a new memo is created.
Change the behavior to show new window when the childless memo is double-clicked.
Add function to duplicate memo by moving the memo with pressing Option key.
Change the iPhone/iPod touch sync function to synchronize the data with its hierarchical structure.
Add auto link function (choose URL or email address and Cotrol+Option+L).
08.08.09 | 1.3.0 |
Change the behavior to make show newly created memo via Service Menu.
Add change background color menu on Contextual menu.
Add new version checker function.
08.06.28 | 1.2.1 |
Corrected Bug that icon window changes larger than regular size.
Added feature to import ics file.
Added feature that locks the window not to change an icon when "Always iconize in background" option is checked.
Modified the behavior to place the new "Child" memo at top of the list.
08.04.15 | 1.2.0 |
Add "Home" button on the toolbar.
Changed to create a new memo beneath the selection.
08.03.01 | 1.1.1 |
Corrected a bug that MacNote3 doesn't respond well during editing long text.
Corrected a bug that the user cannot remove the group name for iPod touch/iPhone.
08.02.02 | 1.1.0 |
Added feature to set the shortcut key to each script menu.
Added "phrase search" feature.
Improved the sort function.
Added "Highlight text" function.
Added counting words function.
Added function to move to "Note Search" by pressing Command + Control + F.
Fixed a bug that password panel goes back of window when the protected page is selected while launching.
Fixed a bug that MacNote3 freezes when the user clicks the "Title" tab after deleting keyword at the "Search" tab.
Modify the search result table to change its font size according to the setting of the preference panel.
Improve the feature to synchronize the memo with iPod touch/iPhone.
Fixed a bug that the memo link that opens a new window doesn't show appropriate page.
08.01.12 | 1.0.0 |
First Release